Tourism in LEDCs can have advantages and disadvantages. Using a LEDC you have studied, explain this statement

Tourism in LEDCs can have advantages and disadvantages. Using a LEDC you have studied, explain this statement

Tourism in LEDCs can have advantages and disadvantages. Using a LEDC you have studied, explain this statement

The example we have used is Jamiaca.

The climate of Jamaica is very good with a maximum of 27°C. The temperature only changes from 25°C - 27°C which gives a steady, warm, reliable climate. Nearly 1 million visitors visit Jamaica each year.


  • Provides direct employment in hotels, bars, shops.
  • Also provides indirect employment e.g. souvenir makers, builders etc.
  • Provides a much needed input of foreign currency.
  • Attracts foreign investment in hotels and bars.
  • Improves the infrastructure (roads, hospitals, ports etc).


  • The tourists can pollute and damage the environment.
  • People that work in the tourism trade benefit but people who don't can be worse off - decline in traditional employment.
  • Building up the infrastructure can be very costly.
  • Breaks down the traditional culture.
  • Much of the profit goes overseas to MEDCs.
  • Tourism tends to be limited to certain areas.
  • Country can rely on tourism too much and fail to develop other industries.
Leisure and tourism

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Leisure and tourism



Leisure and tourism



Leisure and tourism

