League of Nations failure

League of Nations failure

League of Nations failure


  • The League had social successes in the 1920's but it was a failure in the 1930's.
  • Economic depression harmed the League of Nations.
  • Economic recovery had reduced international tension so countries were less likely to fight.
  • Wall street crash and economic problems ended this and tension rose again.
  • Britain High unemployment, didn't want to sort out other problems when it had enough at home.
  • Germany Unemployment and poverty lead to Nazis being elected.
  • USA Unwilling to support sanctions when its own trade is a mess.
  • Japan Depression lead Japan to take over Manchuria (part of China).
  • Italy Mussolini tried to expand empire.


French and British self interest wouldn't abandon these to support league. Absent powers include USA and Russia. Lacked authority and sanctions inefficient. Inefficient sanctions. Sanctions were meant to be the League's biggest weapon but without USA they didn't work. Broken easily. Lack of armed forces. The League of Nations had no armed forces of its own. Britain and France never fought for the league. Unfair treaties. Too harsh so the league had trouble imposing them. Reached decisions too slowly. Sanctions didn't work because they. were too slow. Met too infrequently.

The League of Nations

Border Disputes

Border Disputes

The League of Nations



The League of Nations

Introduction and structure

Introduction and structure

The League of Nations

Large invasions

Large invasions

The League of Nations

Social Successes

Social Successes

The League of Nations

Why America didn't join the league

Why America didn't join the league