Meat alternative: Quorn

Meat alternative: Quorn

Meat alternative: Quorn

  • Quorn is a fungus (mycoprotein) which grows in a glucose mixture.
  • The mycoprotein is separated into a solid and liquid. The solid is heated and mixed with flavours to make it taste like meat.
  • Main advantages: High in protein and fibre. Low in fat.
  • Can be sliced into many different shapes to look like meat.
  • Examples of Quorn products include: fillets, burgers, sweet and sour, pieces and mince.
Vegetarian Foods

Meat alternative: TVP

Meat alternative: TVP

Vegetarian Foods

Meat alternative: Tofu

Meat alternative: Tofu

Vegetarian Foods

Types of vegetarian

Types of vegetarian

Vegetarian Foods

Why people become vegetarian

Why people become vegetarian